The pastor you have grown to love and admire is moving on. It has left a gaping hole in your leadership and the church’s future is uncertain. The bad news is transitions are challenging. The good news is transitions are windows of opportunity for growth and change. There have been key transitions in my life that inspired me to grow. Situations like marriage, having children, and moving to a new home have made me stronger and forced me to develop new skills. The same can be true for your church. The transition between pastors will either allow your church to drift aimlessly or inspire intentional improvement in ministry. Here is a sample of the intentional transformation that can take place during the interim:
We can work together to galvanize God’s mission and values as the driving force for a healthy approach to ministry.
We can work together to build authentic relationships that connect people in an unbreakable bond.
We can use my interim pastor experience and your leadership to not only improve ministries, but to transform how people think about their church.
We can work together using my experience as a church planter and your experience with the community to attract people to your church.
We can work together to revolutionize what it means to do outreach by convincing every attender to actively love their neighbors.
My experience with starting new churches and leading established churches has given me experience in bridging modern and classic approaches to ministry. I have been trained in ministry assessment, conflict resolution, strategic planning and ministry coaching. Contact me to discuss your situation and my availability.