Something inside us says, “I can do it myself” and yet the transformation hasn’t happened. For some reason we continue to struggle rather than call for help. We make excuses about time and money but fail to take into account the high cost of floundering. When is it a bad idea to get an expert opinion and be coached into success? Because I believe in expert advice and coaching I hired a coach for my personal life and have experienced the benefits. Your church can experience the benefits of wise counsel and coaching. Contact me for a free consultation.
There are four blockades that prevent your ministry from being effective. Together we will walk through a process designed to analyze and optimize each area.
The church is not driven by a clear call from God.
Create a solid mission statement and work towards a common goal.
The church is using the wrong ministry measurements.
Figure out how your church defines success.
The church systems are preventing productive ministry.
Put practices into place that forward your church's goals and values.
The church’s progress is limited by a lack of resources.
Get your community involved in your systems.